Call for Abstracts

We are looking forward to your abstract submission to complete an exciting and rich program. Abstracts can be submitted up to and including 01.05.2025. We look forward to your submission.

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Abstract for poster contribution

In German, French, English or Italian. All contributions submitted here should be presented as a scientific poster. Selected contributions will also be assigned to the mini-talk format, in which the content of the poster will be presented using a few PowerPoint slides and a duration of 3-5 minutes. Outstanding papers will be awarded prizes at the end of the congress with the participation of the audience. You will receive more detailed information on the time schedule and format together with the acceptance of your contribution.

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Abstract for individual presentation (15 -20 min.)

In German, French or Italian. Abstracts submitted for presentations should correspond to the congress theme whenever possible. Thematically appropriate contributions will be integrated into 45-minute symposia as Power Point presentations. The duration of an individual presentation is therefore 15-20 minutes. You will receive more detailed information on the time schedule together with the acceptance of your contribution. Due to the large number of contributions, it is possible that individual contributions will be assigned to the mini-talk format as part of the abstract selection.

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Abstract for scientific symposium (3 x 15 min.)

In German, French or Italian. A scientific symposium consists of 3 presentations per session. With 3 speakers in one session, each presentation lasts approx. 15 minutes, including discussion. The main speaker is responsible for registering the 3 presentations, moderating and keeping to the time limit. Practical relevance and reference to the congress theme are highly desirable.

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Abstract for workshop (45 min.)

In German, French or Italian. A workshop is a 45-minute practice-oriented course with a limited number of participants (max. 30-40 people). Topics that focus on skills and abilities for everyday practice are particularly welcome. A workshop topic can also be offered repeatedly at the congress.

Einreichung Abstract Jahreskongress SAPPM 2025

Einreichung Abstract Jahreskongress SAPPM 2025

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Auswahlkriterien für die mündlichen Beiträge:

  • Bezug zum übergeordneten Kongress-Thema
  • Klinisch-wissenschaftliche Evidenz und/oder alltagspraktische Relevanz
  • Bedeutung des Themas aus Sicht der Psychosomatischen und Psychosozialen Medizin
  • Integrierfähigkeit in Gesamtprogramm (Themendiversität / Redundanzen)

Auswahlkriterien für Poster/Minitalks:

Die Posterbeiträge werden anonymisiert durch ein unabhängiges, mehrköpfiges wissenschaftliches Komitee geratet und zur Minitalk-Präsentation ausgewählt. Auch das Publikum wird an der Letztauswahl der zu prämierenden Arbeiten mitbeteiligt sein.