General information

Benvenuti – Welcome

The SAPPM regional group of Ticino cordially invites you to the Annual Congress 2025. Spend an interesting symposium in Bellinzona.

When: October 23 and 24, 2025

Where: The event takes place in the enchanting Teatro Sociale and in the historic rooms of the Palazzo Civico in the old town of Bellinzona.

How: Comodo e piacevole – comfortable and pleasant. Would you like to combine your trip with a few days’ vacation on the southern side of the Alps? Your relatives are also welcome and we will be happy to make suggestions. Of course, we have already made provisions for your accommodation and will offer you a hotel booking platform in good time.

What: The symposium will focus on the topic of slow medicine: a medical movement from the Italian-speaking world that aims to improve and reorient our medical care.

Who: The congress depends on the participants, i.e. on you. With the support of the SAPPMScientific Advisory Board, the Organizing Committee is once again planning a varied and relevant programme.

Credits: 16 SAPPM credits. As soon as the program is finalized, credits from other societies will be requested.

Registration: The electronic registration platform will be opened soon.

We will be happy to keep you up to date with the latest congress news.

The fire of slow medicine

Slow medicine – like slow food – has its roots in the Italian-speaking world: sobria, rispettosa e giusta wants a moderate, respectful and fairer medicine of the future. The social and psychosocial aspect is the focus here. The conference theme will be complemented by numerous state of the art lectures and workshops on general and specialized psychosomatic medicine.