Interdisciplinary focus title

Medical expertise in psychosomatic and psychosocial medicine is regulated in Switzerland as an interdisciplinary specialty title (iSP) (Art. 50 ff WBO SIWF). The SAPPM is the organization commissioned by the SIWF to ensure the issuance and implementation of the interdisciplinary specialty title in Switzerland. There are different variants of continuing education curricula to acquire the specialty title.

Acquire key titles

“Psychosomatic and Psychosocial Medicine” is an interdisciplinary specialty title recognized by the FMH / SIWF (Art. 50 ff WBO SIWF).
The title is protected.
It primarily certifies to the outside world that the holder of the title has in-depth further training in psychosomatic and psychosocial medicine.
The advantages associated with the title relate to tendering, protection in the event of a performance audit and the preservation of vested rights.


Since 2009, there has also been a separate TARMED tariff item 00.0525, which is reserved for SAPPM title holders.
In the future TARDOC, there will be a separate position in the “Specialist care” chapter (JZ).

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The prerequisite for obtaining the title of specialist is a completed specialist training and a quantitatively and qualitatively correct continuing education curriculum of at least 360 SAPPM-recognized continuing education credits, in accordance with the continuing education program“Psychosomatic and Psychosocial Medicine SAPPM” (last revision 2019).
Maintaining the specialty title requires an obligatory annual training workload of at least 20 SAPPM-recognized training credits.

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Criteria for the recognition of training courses

The training courses offered by SAPPM-certified Swiss continuing education institutes (WBI), continuing education centres (WBS), continuing education modules (WBM) and continuing education sub-courses (WBTA) – hereinafter referred to as “institutions” – are recognized without restriction for attaining the iSP title.
The aforementioned institutions offer several options for continuing education curricula.

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Recognition of foreign further education

Recognition of foreign further training is carried out in accordance with Art. 33 of the WBO of the SIWF: the total number of recognized training hours completed in foreign institutions cannot exceed half of the credits required for the iSP (max. 180 of 360 credits).
The remaining hours must be completed in one of the Swiss institutions mentioned.
The approval of the Titles Commission for special exceptions to this rule must be obtained from the candidate in advance.

Requirements for external training to be recognized:

  • The institution, association or trainer must be a member of the EAPM (International Association of Psychosomatic Medicine) or a nationally recognized psychosomatic training organization at the time of the candidate’s training.
    The trainers must have their own equivalent training, analogous to SAPPM trainers.
  • The training body must certify in writing in the form of a list of the topics covered that the relevant content, i.e. the content required for the iSP, has been taught.
    These must be broken down into theory, skills and supervision.
  • If the candidate has only completed part of the training at a corresponding foreign institution, a corresponding confirmation is required, and the rest of the training must be completed at one of the Swiss institutions mentioned.
  • An exception to this is the specialist title in psychosomatic medicine acquired in Germany, which is fully recognized.
    Similar specialist titles from other countries will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • The candidate is responsible for carrying out the necessary research and providing the required documents.
    The documents must be officially translated into one of the Swiss national languages.
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Holders of the title Psychiatry and Psychotherapy FMH

The title of specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy alone is not equivalent to obtaining the title of iSP.
30% of the training (i.e. 120 hours, divided into theory, skills and supervision) must include specific psychosomatic medicine or have been acquired at one of the SAPPM-recognized institutions.

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Certificate of Competence Delegated Psychotherapy

The acquisition of the (former) certificate of competence for delegated psychotherapy amounted to 60 hours of training.
This basic training and the respective certifications (if recognized) can be credited towards the acquisition of the iSP title.

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Certificate of competence in medical hypnosis SMSH

Since 2017, there has been a mutual recognition agreement between the SAPPM and the SMSH (Société médicale suisse d’hypnose / Swiss Medical Society for Hypnosis), according to which 120 credits towards the iSP title are recognized for holders of the FA Medical Hypnosis SMSH, namely 29 credits of theory, 61 credits of skills and 30 credits of intervision.

Submit title application

Applicants are responsible for completing the application correctly and in full.
Pre-assessments, e.g. for credits still required or other preliminary inquiries, are charged separately at a flat rate.
You can send your inquiries by e-mail to

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Recertify key titles

The iSP SAPPM must be recertified every 5 years.
A minimum of 20 credits of psychosomatic and/or psychosocial training (accredited by the SAPPM) must be demonstrated each year.
Of these minimum 20 credits, at least 6 – 8 credits must be completed in psychosomatic and/or psychosocial medicine, and at least 12 – 14 credits must consist of supervision/intervision.
The supervisor or the intervision participants (at least 3 persons) confirm their regular participation.
Ideally and for their own protection, a list is kept of who presented which patient (initials) in which session.
If the conditions for recertification are not met, the interdisciplinary focus expires at the end of the calendar year in which recertification is due.
Teaching activities in SAPPM-accredited continuing education and training courses are recognized for recertification.
Supervision activities as a SAPPM-accredited supervisor are recognized as supervision.