Regional Group North-East

We have set ourselves the goal of teaching the subject of psychosomatics in a practical way across the entire lifespan and building networks. The working group offers further training in addition to the well-known further training institutes in German-speaking Switzerland in Zurich and Basel with the aim of supporting clinical application and integration. In terms of content, psychosomatic identity, relationship design and therapeutic attitude are to be brought closer.

Holders of the interdisciplinary specialization in Psychosomatic and Psychosocial Medicine SAPPM as well as interested colleagues without a specialization title are invited to network with us and maintain a mutual exchange.

Our activities are currently focused on organizing the annual Eastern Switzerland Psychosomatic Symposium.
A future expansion to include practical offers such as intervision, supervision and Balint work is being considered.

We would also like to welcome colleagues in private practice into our circle in order to promote networking and intensify the exchange between clinicians and practitioners.

If you are interested and would like to get involved and play an active role, please get in touch: or

For the working group:

  • PD Dr. med. Dagmar Schmid, Clinic for Psychosomatics and Consultative Psychiatry, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
  • Dr. med. Doris Straus, Psychosomatics, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Oberwaid Clinic, St. Gallen
  • Dr. med. Raschid Gharbo, Psychosomatic Medicine, Hochgebirgsklinik Davos
  • Dr. med. Dirk Büchter, Psychosomatics and Adolescent Medicine, Eastern Switzerland Children’s Hospital St. Gallen
  • Dr. med. Christian Henkel, Psychosomatic Medicine, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Eastern Switzerland Children’s Hospital St. Gallen